Blocked Port 25: SMTP Using Postfix on Go Daddy Dedicated Server
How to use Godaddy's relay server for outgoing email on a Go Daddy dedicated server.
I've been setting up a new dedicated server at Go Daddy running Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron). I was following The Perfect Server guide at HowToForge, and it was very helpful, especially in the area of setting up email using Postfix, which is new to me.
I did run into an unexpected problem with outgoing email - it wasn't going out, or anywhere for that matter! Taking a look in /var/log/mail.log showed an error saying "No route to host". Trying to telnet to any other domain would give me the same error. A little Googling dug up the fact that Godaddy blocks outgoing traffic on port 25, which is used for SMTP. However they do provide a relay server that you can use for your outgoing mail.
The relay server is To use it, edit /etc/postfix/ and set the relayhost line to look like this:
relayhost = []
Then restart Postfix with the command:
sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart
And that should do it! I had a lot of trouble diagnosing the problem and then finding the solution, so I thought I would post it here to help anyone else experiencing this problem.Published on 7/16/2010Web Development
godaddy postfix smtp ubuntu