Setting up this application for future growth.
My pet project has been a great success for me. It gets plenty of traffic, enjoys a steadily growing community of users, and is a lot of fun to work on. The list of things I'd like to explore with this project grows every week, and with all the new additions to the
Twitter API of late - OAuth, RTs, Lists, Geolocation etc - there is much more to be done in order to keep up.
The steady increase in traffic means that we've had to spend extra time and money on iTweet's server in order to keep up with all the users. Hosting has graciously been sponsored by
The Illusion Factory, but the monthly demand keeps increasing and it's clear that something needs to change. The growing nature of both the to-do list and the server cost has led me to think of ways in which iTweet can become self-sustaining. This app needs to start earning its keep, peoples! One thing that I've decided to try is the insertion of sponsored tweets by
140 Proof.
This company has a very unique system of advertising delivery, promising very targeted content in an unobtrusive format. How does that...